The EU and the WTO
WTO members and observers
The WTO is formed by its members and observers. The membership of the WTO is composed by 164 States. The observer status allows these organizations to follow discussions on matters of direct interest to them. It shall not be considered for meetings of the Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration or the Dispute Settlement Body.
WTO accession
Any state or customs territory having full autonomy in the conduct of its trade policies may become a member of the WTO, but all WTO members must agree on the terms. This is done through a process of negotiations.
1 January 1995 - Antigua and Barbuda/ Argentina/ Australia/ Austria/ Bahrain, Kingdom of/ Bangladesh/ Barbados/ Belgium/ Belize/ Brazil/ Brune/ Darussalam/ Canada/ Chile/ Costa Rica/ Côte d’Ivoire / Czech Republic/ Denmark/ Dominica/ Finland/ France/ Gabon/ Germany/ European Union(formerly EC)/ Ghana/ Greece/ Guyana/ Honduras/ Hong Kong, China / Hungary/ Iceland/ India/ Indonesia/ Ireland/ Italy/ Japan/ Kenya/ Korea, Republic of/ Kuwait, the State of/ Luxembourg/ Macao, China/ Malaysia/ Malta/ Mauritius/ Mexico/ Morocco/ Myanmar/ Namibia/ Netherlands/ New Zealand/ Nigeria/ Norway/ Pakistan/ Paraguay/ Peru/ Philippines/ Portugal/ Romania/ Saint Lucia/ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines/ Senegal/ Singapore/ Slovak Republic/ South Africa/ Spain/ Sri Lanka/ Suriname/ Swaziland/ Sweden/ Tanzania/ Thailand/ Uganda/ United Kingdom/ United States/ Uruguay/ Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of/ Zambia
9 March 1995 - Dominican Republic/ Jamaica
30 April 1995 - Colombia
1 March 1995 - Trinidad and Tobago
5 March 1995 - Zimbabwe
7 May 1995 - El Salvador
31 May 1995 - Botswana/ Central African Republic/ Djibouti/ Guinea-Bissau/ Lesotho/ Malawi/ Maldives/ Mali/ Mauritania/ Togo
3 June 1995 - Burkina Faso
30 June 1995 - Egypt
1 July 1995 - Poland/ Switzerland
21 July 1995 - Guatemala
23 July 1995 - Burundi/ Sierra Leone
26 August 1995 - Mozambique
1 September 1995 - Liechtenstein/ Nicaragua
12 September 1995 - Bolivia, Plurinational State of
25 October 1995 - Guinea
17 November 1995 - Madagascar
13 December 1995 - Cameroon
21 January 1996 - Ecuador
30 January 1996 - Haiti
21 February 1996 - Saint Kitts and Nevis
10 April 1996 - United Arab Emirates
22 May 1996 - Rwanda
9 June 1996 - Papua New Guinea
26 July 1996 - Solomon Islands
19 October 1996 - Chad
23 October 1996 - Gambia
23 November 1996 - Angola
1 December 1996 - Bulgaria
13 December 1996 - Niger
1 January 1997 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
29 January 1997 - Mongolia
27 March 1997 - Congo
6 September 1997 - Panama
20 December 1998 - Kyrgyz Republic
10 February 1999 - Latvia
13 November 1999 - Estonia
11 April 2000 - Jordan
14 June 2000 - Georgia
8 September 2000 - Albania
9 November 2000 - Oman
30 November 2000 - Croatia
31 May 2001 - Lithuania
26 July 2001 - Moldova, Republic of
11 December 2001 - China
1 January 2002 - Chinese Taipei
5 February 2003- Armenia
4 April 2003 - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
23 April 2004 - Nepal
13 October 2004 - Cambodia
11 December 2005 - Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
11 January 2007 - Viet Nam
27 July 2007 - Tonga
16 May 2008 - Ukraine
23 July 2008 - Cabo Verde
29 April 2012 - Montenegro
10 May 2012 - Samoa
22 August 2012 - Russian Federation
24 August 2012 - Vanuatu
2 February 2013- Lao People’s Democratic Republic
2 March 2013 - Tajikistan
26 June 2014 - Yemen
26 April 2015 - Seychelles
30 November 2015 - Kazakhstan
14 July 2016 - Liberia
29 July 2016 - Afghanistan